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CASE STUDY: Micro Focus features WyldLynx in a Silver Partner customer success story

Micro Focus

WyldLynx General Manager Carl Duncan was recently interviewed by Micro Focus to create a profile of one of their leading partners in the Oceanic region.

Carl was asked about the WyldLynx approach to business, both internally and for our customers, with the answers offering some surprising insights into how we develop and bring our unique skill set to our customers.

Details of how WyldLynx has woven Content Manager into our day-to-day business processes make for interesting reading, especially for those of our customers who may be unsure of the range of benefits that Content Manager can bring to their organisation, and just how well we know our stuff.

Secure and compliant document storage may be the feature that is best known about Content Manager, and is an area that WyldLynx uses and knows extremely well, but as Carl discussed, there is a lot more to offer.

Content Manager provides a much greater suite of functions than many may realise, applicable across a number of areas due to the inherent customisation built into the product. Where functionality does not currently exist, WyldLynx has developed many applications that extend the functionality to suit specific customer needs through our SmartTools products.

A lot more was covered within the article than can be covered here, so clicking the link below will allow you to download and read the full case study.

Click here to download the Micro Focus customer success story PDF

If you would like to discuss how we can bring the skills mentioned in the article to your organisation, please contact us today!

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