
ControlPoint by Micro Focus® takes the pain out of information governance by leveraging ControlPoint's visual interface and robust analytics. Clean up legacy data and automate records declaration to clear your pathway to the Cloud.
With ControlPoint, you can Identify, Access, Connect, Clean Up, and Control Data across Enterprise Systems, from small datasets to very large and uncontrolled datasets.
ControlPoint helps you achieve information compliance by making it possible to not only access information, but also understand, classify, and reduce outdated and unnecessary legacy dark data content easily via the customisable visual interface.

Get to know your data for better insights and better decisions
A better way to manage data
If your business is like most today, you store data in a number of systems and information repositories - an approach that has become the norm over the past two decades with rapid advancements in information technology.
But as data volumes continue to increase, you face significant business risks and loss of efficiency because you simply can't control all the information contained in siloed repositories. Time is wasted looking for a specific document that has not been managed appropriately-and you may not be fully aware of what other information you actually have.
Identify, connect, and control data across your systems
With Micro Focus Information Governance and file analysis solutions, you can connect and better manage the data in your systems to gain control over information assets across your enterprise. ControlPoint uses the Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) Connector framework to identify, analyse and control diverse types of information stored in enterprise repositories and dark data. ControlPoint helps you to categorize and apply policy to content indexed by IDOL. A dashboard-style display provides valuable business insight into the themes, locations, and value of your information.
An advanced file analysis tool facilitating information governance for connected data sources, ControlPoint simplifies the definition and application of policy-regardless of data format or location. There is no need for source-specific policies, which become difficult to manage and unify across the enterprise, and no need for staff to learn multiple system tools and user interfaces.
Role-based security allows you to delegate different tasks to reduce the likelihood of errors and bottlenecks, and can be used to control user access to repositories, policies, IDOL categories, and administrative tasks.
ControlPoint is a key component of the Micro Focus® Secure Content Management suite.
Connected together with the other two members of the suite, Content Manager® and Structured Data Manager®, these products combine to cover an organisations entire structured and unstructured data needs, as well as document and records management.
Visit the Secure Content Management Suite® page for further details on how these products work together to create a solution for your needs.

Key benefits include:
Reduction of storage requirements
Shine a light on dark data that is sitting unmanaged in email repositories, file shares (network drives), SharePoint sites and more, to save significant storage costs and gain better access to valuable information.
Discovering high risk, high value business records in multiple repositories
Find important "high risk, high value" information for your business by using Text, Boolean and Document content searches.
You can also give ControlPoint a set of documents to learn and understand the content, and find other like documents.
Transition to the cloud
If your organisation is moving to the cloud, don't take all of the junk with you.
Use ControlPoint to understand what information you have, get rid of duplication and only move what is needed. This will save your organisation lots of money, both immediately and into the future.
Automate legal and information searches
Automate legal and information searches by using ControlPoint to find what your looking for in multiple repositories (network drives, email, SharePoint and Content Manager).
Find more, faster than ever before, and let the business get on with their core business.
Managing content in 365/Outlook/SharePoint
Have you moved to the cloud and not sure what you have?
Use ControlPoint to identify, manage and govern the content in Office 365 and other repositories.
Discovery of Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
Identify Personally identifiable information (PII), or any data that can be used to identify an individual using ControlPoint including but not limited to:
- Personal Information - Locate email addresses, bank accounts, social security data, and much more
- Payment Data - Locate credit card and financial numbers
- Health Information - Locate insurance numbers, patient and medical records, and much more
If breached, this information can lead to lawsuits which can cripple your credibility, and hurt your organisation financially.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
With the GDPR rules overseas, Organisations need to starting thinking about whether or not you are affected by GDPR.
Using ControlPoint you can find all of the information relevant to GDPR and action it appropriately.
ControlPoint provides a range of file analysis capabilities, including:
- Advanced, graphical visualization of information clusters based on meaning make it easy for executives to identify trends or popular concepts and themes.
- Two-dimensional cluster maps show heat zones of information grouped by concepts. You can click on the graph to see the underlying documents within that zone.
- Three-dimensional spectrographs display how clusters change over a period of time, and provide insight about the evolution of your enterprise information to use in training policies or in applying defensible disposal management rules.
ControlPoint summary pages present the analysis of indexed data graphically with statistical summaries and data categorization. This file analysis allows you to understand the breakdown of data types and categories across the enterprise or specific repositories. A range of tools and reports support a policy-driven and compliant clean-up process, enabling you to:
- Generate reports on items marked for deletion
- Maintain audit trails of policy selection criteria and execution
- Review and approve policy application and execution
Navigational tools allow you to drill down to explore different areas of policy application. For instance, a compliance officer can learn how much data is potentially on hold across all enterprise systems or what potential policy violations are occurring. Comprehensive reporting brings critical transparency to your compliance condition.
The 5 stages of Enterprise data cleanup with ControlPoint

1. Identify and Index

2. Analyse

3. Organise

4. Reduce

5. Manage and migrate

Major Australian Utility
As a large Australian public Utility, this organisation has a very large and far-reaching responsibility in the region, providing vital services for the general public.
As a result of the merging of three separate organisations providing similar services, this new utility had an abundance of similar yet different information, records, documents and processes.
The large volume of data now under control of one utility organisation, resulting from the amalgamation of 3 separate organisations, needed to be collated, analysed and managed.
This data consisted of many network drives, totalling many Terabytes of data, filled with documents of varying formats and standards, as well as records within Micro Focus Content Manager instances.
This organisation was looking to get an accurate picture of their current record situation, to allow them to make informed decisions on their proceses and future direction, with the hope of an increase in efficiency and a reduction in storage and duplication.
The Solution
WyldLynx began by first gaining an understanding of the history that led the organisation to this point, as an understanding of the process allows for greater anticipation of any potential issues or pitfalls, and can shape the direction of the investigation.
A full analysis was then conducted of all of the records contained within the Content Manager instances, and across the multiple network drives containing millions of files and documents that had been accumulated over the lifetime of each of the three original utilities.
To conduct this investigation, WyldLynx implemented ControlPoint, which was used to collate and analyse all of the data in question, including the individual files and records contained within Content Manager.
After examining all of the records and files flagged for examination, WyldLynx discovered more than 6.6 million duplicate files and records, totalling more than 10 Terabytes of storage that was able to be safely removed.
Reducing the storage requirements by more than 10TB for the years ahead alone created a potential saving in storage costs of $250,000 per year.
More Benefits
In addition to the storage and substantial dollar savings, and streamlining of the document and record management system, leading to increased efficiencies within the processes, ControlPoint gave the management team a greater understanding of their true situation.
With visual graphs, statistics and drill-down abilities, ControlPoint provided the management team with the ability to see exactly what was happening within their storage systems, as well as discovering any information governance issues that existed, including examples of sensitive information being stored insecurely. These instances were found and rectified, and process changes implemented to ensure these situations were avoided in the future.
Once changes were implemented to bring about storage improvements and process changes, designed from newly-informed management decisions, Legal and Information searches were automated, bringing further process improvements and efficiencies to the day-to-day operations of this large utility.
Video Introductions
ControlPoint - The Basics
If you're wondering "What is ControlPoint?" or "How can ControlPoint add value to my organisation?", then you have come to the right place! This video will give you a brief introduction to the basics of ControlPoint.
Cleaning up data from multiple repositories overview
This use case shows how organisations can use ControlPoint to identify redundant information in multiple repositories, analyse them, and then tag them for removal.
It will show duplication internally to itself as well as over a master repository like Content Manager and analyse content from a network drive and SharePoint.
Analysing Duplicate Content
This video provides an overview and example of how you can analyse your organisations content, and use ControlPoint to assist in creating a governance and audit strategy.
Automatically disposing of Content
The video demonstrates how you can automate the disposal of content, based on pre-defined business rules.
By creating a category to look for certain file extensions that don’t have business value, ControlPoint can assign the results to a policy, submit for review, and dispose.
Automatic Information Searches
Organisations spend large amounts of money on information searches and eDiscovery. ControlPoint allows organisations to automate this process, letting the business get on with their core functions.
Some common search types that come standard in ControlPoint include:
- Legal
- Right to Information (RTI)
- Official Information Request (OIR)
- Freedom of Information (FOI)
- Government Information Public Access (GIPA)
Identify patterns in your data
Organisations are being monitored for compliance with various governmental regulations, regarding the control and dissemination of personal information.
Let ControlPoint take your organisation ahead of the pack, with the ability to automatically identify and act on documents meeting this criteria.
Autoclassification of content based on metadata or document contents
ControlPoint gives organisations the ability to recognise and auto-classify business documents, and move them directly into Content Manager.
SharePoint Governance using ControlPoint
This video demonstrates the ability to manage content from within SharePoint.
Contact us today to learn more about how ControlPoint can fit into your organisation, and the benefits it can bring to your compliance, storage and day-to-day management needs.
Brochure download
Click here for a printable WyldLynx ControlPoint PDF brochure.
Download file size: ≈600kb
Brochure download
Click here for a printable Micro Focus ControlPoint PDF brochure.
Download file size: ≈900kb

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